“It is the task of the translator to release in his own language that pure language that is under the spell of another, to liberate the language imprisoned in a work in his re-creation of that work.”
— Walter Benjamin
The Trinity Journal of Literary Translation (JoLT) is a non-profit literary publication in Trinity College Dublin. It showcases writing in translation by Trinity students, staff, and alumni, as well as members of the wider community. It is Ireland’s only literary journal dedicated exclusively to translation and in the past has featured texts written in Albanian, Japanese, Kurdish, Czech, Hindi, Ancient Greek, and more. We encourage submissions of translated works of fiction, memoir and poetry from any language into English/Irish (or vice versa).
The magazine was founded in 2013 by Claudio Sansone and is published twice yearly. Former editors include Andrew Beazley, Rory O’Sullivan, Clare Healy, Martina Giambanco, Cian Dunne, Anastasia Fedosova and Eoghan Conway. The current editor is Julianna Zarnowska.
Is foilseachán liteartha neamhbhrabúis é Journal of Literary Translation (JoLT) Cholásite na Tríonóide. Cuireann sé i láthair aistriúcháin a dhéanann scoláirí, foireann agus alumnais an choláiste, agus an pobal. Is é an t-aon irisleabhar liteartha a dhíríonn ar aistriúcháin amháin in Éirinn. Is iomaí teanga a cuireadh i latháir thar na blianta; ina measc, bhí aistriúcháin Albáinise, Seapáinise, Coirdise, Seicise, Hiondúise, Sean-Ghréigise foilsithe ann.
Bunaigh Claudio Sansone an irisleabhar in 2013 agus foilsítear é dhá uair sa bhliain. Is iad Andrew Beazley, Rory O’Sullivan, Clare Healy, Martina Giambanco, Cian Ó Duinn, Anastasia Fedosova agus Eoghan Conway cuid de na daoine a bhí ina n-eagarthóir an irisleabhair. Is í Julianna Zarnowska eagarthóir don bhliain 2024/5.
What they say about us… Cad a deirtear fúinn…
The University Times: Found in Translation: JoLT Seeks to Fill the Ellipsis
Five of the Best: Trinity-Based Publications
Trinity News: Trinity JoLT: Translating literature and culture through language
Current Staff/Ár bhFoireann:
Julianna Zarnowska
Deputy Editor/Leas Eagarthóir
Ioana Raducu
General Assistant Editors/Eagarthóirí Cúnta Ginearálta
Hazel Mulkeen
Ciara Gallagher
Editors/ Eagarthóirí
Leila Purcell
Giulia Nati
Sophie Quinn
Nicole Battù
Meadhbh Ní Cheallacháin
Hazel Scott
Monica Grigoras
Art Editor/Eagarthóir Ealaíne
Eve Smith
Faculty Advisor/Comhairleoir ón bhFoireann Teagaisc
Dr. Peter Arnds